Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pembersihan mayat di Everest

Diperkirakan terdapat 150 sampai 300 jasad yang membeku di gunung tertinggi di dunia itu. Kebanyakan mayat itu berada di "zona kematian" yang terdapat pada sisi-sisi gunung yang curam dan berbahaya. Mereka meninggal karena kekurangan oksigen dan berada di daerah berbahaya.

Aksi pembersihan mayat ini akan dilakukan oleh Sherpas - penduduk asli Himalaya- yang berpengalaman dalam memandu dan menjadi porter (pengangkut barang) karena memiliki stamina yang baik dan mengetahui jalur-jalur pendakian di Everst.

"Operasi ini dinamakan Extreme Everest Expedition 2010," kata Namgyal Sherpa yang akan memimpin operasi. Dia telah tujuh kali mendaki sampai puncak gunung yang terletak di Perbatasan Nepal dan Tibet ini.

Dia menambahkan, selama ini belum pernah ada yang dapat melakukan operasi bersih-bersih sampai ketinggian lebih dari 26 ribu kaki. "Ini sangat sulit dan berbahaya," ujarnya.

Jasad yang ditemukan nantinya akan dibawa ke base camp untuk kemudian dikremasikan.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sisa Perahu Nabi Nuh Ditemukan di Gunung Turki

Sisa-sisa perahu Nabi Nuh ditemukan di ketinggian 13 ribu kaki atau sekitar 3,9 kilometer di sebuah gunung di Turki. Hal tersebut diungkapkan para penjelajah evangelis.
Sekelompok penjelajah evangelis dari Turki dan Cina mengatakan mereka menemukan sisa-sisa kayu dari perahu Nabi Nuh di Gunung Ararat di sebelah timur Turki.
Kelompok penjelajah tersebut mendaku dari data karbon kayu tersebut menunjukkan berusia 4.800 tahun. Artinya, waktu tersebut sesuai dengan berlayarnya Perahu Nabi Nuh. Para evangelis dan sebagian peneliti sejak lama menduga Gunung Ararat sebagai tempat terakhir berlabuhnya perahu
Nabi Nuh.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tips Memilih Helm SNI Asli

Ada banyak helm yang dijual di pasar, mulai dari buatan lokal hingga impor dari negara-negara maju. Nah, aturan helm SNI oleh pemerintah sudah diberlakukan. Agar pemilik motor tidak salah beli, berikut tips mudah dari Staf Ahli Asosisi Industri Helm Indonesia, Thomas Lim.

Pertama, yang perlu diperhatikan saat membeli helm adalah bentuk fisik dari produk yang sesuai dengan ketentuan, yakni full face dan half face. Selain kedua bentuk ini, helm tersebut sudah dipastikan tak masuk golongan SNI wajib.

Friday, April 23, 2010


SIM Pintar Tangkal Oknum Polisi Nakal

Rencana kepolisian untuk membuat sebuah Surat Izin Mengemudi (SIM) yang dapat dipergunakan untuk membayar denda tilang dimaksudkan untuk memperkecil ruang gerak oknum polisi nakal yang suka melakukan pungutan liar (pungli).

Karena dengan SIM model seperti ini, si pengendara yang kena tilang dapat langsung membayar denda tilangnya hanya dengan menggesek SIM mereka ke alat gesek yang ada di pos atau mobil Polisi.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Kode Rahasia

Berikut terdapat kode-kode rahasia pada GSM nokia, sony ericson, Samsung,Motorola ,Philips, LG,Benq-Siemens, panasonic dan alcatel.
Tetapi ada beberapa kode yang hanya bisa dipakai oleh ponsel tertentu saja. 

1. *#06# Menampilkan nomor IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity). 
2. *#7370# atau *#RESO# Mereset ke setingan awal (pabrikan), data-data akan terhapus. 
3. *#7780# atau *#rst0* Mereset ke setingan awal (pabrikan), data-data tidak akan terhapus. 
4. *#0000# Menampilkan versi firmware. 
5. *#9999# Merupakan alternatif jika kode *#0000# tidak berfungsi. 
6. *#8110# Menampilkan versi firmware (Nokia 8110). 
7. *#21# Melihat pengalihan untuk semua panggilan ‘All calls’. 
8. **21*nomor tujuan# Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk semua panggilan. 
9. **61*nomor tujuan# Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk panggilan yang tidak terjawab. 
10. **67*nomor tujuan# Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk panggilan ketika sedang sibuk. 
11. *#61# Melihat nomor pengalihan karena tidak dijawab ‘Call divert’. 
12. *#62# Melihat nomor pengalihan karena diluar jangkauan ‘Call divert’ dan mengetahui kemana nomor tersebut dialihkan. 
13. *#67# Melihat nomor pengalihan karena sibuk ‘Call divert’ dan mengetahui kemana nomor tersebut dialihkan. 
14. *#2820# Menampilkan alamat IP Bluetooth. 
15. *#30# Menampilkan nomor pribadi. 
16. *#43# Melihat status ‘Call waiting’. 
17. *#62209526# atau *#MACOWLAN Menampilkan alamat MAC WLAN. 
18. *#67705646# Mengganti operator logo (tipe 3310, 3330). 
19. *#73# Mereset timer ponsel dan skor game. 
20. *#746025625# Menampilkan status SIM Clock. Jika ponsel anda mendukung fungsi power saving akan muncul tulisan “SIM Clock Stop Allowed”, itu berarti anda bisa mendapatkan waktu terbaik untuk standby. 
21. *#7760# Menampilkan kode pabrik/produk. 
22. *#92702689# atau *#war0anty# Menampilkan nomor serial, tanggal pembuatan, tanggal pembelian, tanggal terakhir servis (000 jika belum pernah diperbaiki) dan transfer user data. Pada beberapa ponsel setelah menggunakan kode ini anda harus merestart ponsel. 
23. *#2640# Menampilkan kode pengamanan ponsel. 
24. *#3370# Mengaktifkan EFR (Full Rate Codec), kualitas suara terbaik namun pemakaian baterai menjadi boros. 
25. #3370# Untuk menonaktifkan EFR. 
26. *#4720# Mengaktifkan Half Rate Codec, kualitas suara terendah namun pemakaian baterai menjadi lebih hemat. 
27. #4720# Untuk menonaktifkan Half Rate Codec. 
28. 10# Cara cepat untuk membuka nomor kontak yang tersimpan di kartu SIM berdasarkan nomor urut. Contoh angka 10 adalah nomor urut kontak. 
29. #pw+1234567890+1# Mengunci status provider, gunakan tanda “*” untuk memisahkan antara “p,w” dan tanda “+”. 
30. #pw+1234567890+1# Mengunci status provider, gunakan tanda “*” untuk memisahkan antara “p,w” dan tanda “+”. 
31. #pw+1234567890+2# Mengunci status network, gunakan tanda “*” untuk memisahkan antara “p,w” dan tanda “+”. 
32. #pw+1234567890+3# Mengunci status country, gunakan tanda “*” untuk memisahkan antara “p,w” dan tanda “+”. 
33. #pw+1234567890+4# Mengunci status kartu SIM, gunakan tanda “*” untuk memisahkan antara “p,w” dan tanda “+” 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Drink is an Art ???

Alcoholic drinks have gotten it takes place exclusively by his fans from among the upper class to the lower ranks, the variety of ages and sexes.And this is the result of a microscope from a drop of alcohol

Curious ???????? ....... Let us see below !!!!



Red Wine





Bonus :


And Ice Tea

DRINK is an ART ???
It's up to U

Friday, April 16, 2010

abmelas rebyc

  1. Since the late 1990s, Internet retailers have seen rapid growth in their businesses, both in terms of customer volume and total online sales. What started out as only certain products being widely available online has come to a point at which today, nearly everything that can be bought in a store (and some things that can't) are available for purchase somewhere online.

    Of course, not all of these Internet sales represent new customers and new money. The vast majority come at the expense of traditional retailers, who have seen sales decline in accordance with the rise of online shopping. For sellers who maintain both retail locations ("bricks") and an online store ("clicks"), the pressure is on to find a balance between customers who prefer a traditional shopping experience and those who appreciate the convenience of using the Internet.
  2. The Internet also brings new competitors to many areas of business. It is within the ability of just about anyone to offer his products or services online through any number of selling venues, thus adding literally millions of new merchants to the global marketplace. For existing businesses, these new online sellers represent a challenge to retain customers or risk being driven out of business.

    Additionally, the Internet removes the restrictions of geography. Shopping locally is no longer the only choice, and goods can be ordered from anywhere. Smaller businesses need only create a website to expand their customer bases to everyone with Internet access rather than being restricted by a local or regional market.
  3. Certain products and services are quickly becoming obsolete in the digital age, including stock brokers, travel agents and even the post office. They have been largely replaced by stock websites, travel websites and e-mail, respectively. While some companies have spotted these trends before they occurred and offered online services to augment their business model, others have been left with a depleted customer base.

    Automation on the Internet also has eliminated countless jobs. As businesses use the Internet to simplify and streamline their operations, there is less need for a large labor force. For cases in which an automated online system can sort data or answer customers' questions, the human element is sometimes deemed unnecessary.
  4. For all of the business conducted online, security and confidentiality become major concerns. Each year, millions of dollars are spent on security efforts to ensure that transactions are safe and that customers will feel comfortable conducting business online.

    Beyond day-to-day transactions, major security threats such as hackers, viruses, and e-terrorism mean that providing security online means an added expenditure that simply doesn't exist elsewhere. Breaches of security, such as the highly publicized theft of credit card data on several occasions, lead customers to question the safety of doing business online, which can hurt business further by lowering confidence levels.
  5. One final way in which the Internet is bad for business doesn't concern the business that happens online at all. Instead, it relates to lost productivity due to employees using the Internet at work. Estimates vary, but it is agreed that American workers spend a substantial amount of their workday replying to personal e-mail, following live sporting events and web surfing. During the NCAA college basketball March Madness competition, the effect of lost productivity due to employees watching basketball games online is especially visible.

    Even for scenarios in which employees are not equipped with computers, the availability of wireless Internet on phones and other mobile devices creates a constant swarm of distraction that can cut into work time. Many employers have taken steps to regulate their employees' Internet usage, but concerns about privacy and legality linger.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ruby Falls, Waterfall in a beautiful underground.

This waterfall is called Ruby Falls, like a cave, height is 44m high and the largest underground waterfall in the United States and possibly the world ...

Ruby Falls is located in Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA.

This waterfall shows how great the creator of this universe. So let us preserve this natural human beings.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The War Photographer Diary

David Guttenfelder is a chief staff photographer journalist asia. He has been traveling around the country Afghanistan from 2001 until now by using a rental car or taxi. The following photographs recording the results of the photographer of the famous and ever fit in Newyork post ™.
What's interesting about this picture is that when a soldier named Zachary Boyd who had just woken up rushing the Taliban opened fire on troops who invaded to come, while he was still wearing pink pants that read "I Love Newyork" and wearing sandals flops.

A military helicopter crash Afganishtan, 10 september 2005. There are no victims, only 2 passengers injured.
For U.S. troops should dig sleeping holes first. Like digging a hole for their own graves.
U.S. Marines fired munitions on Taliban positions near the town of Garmser in Helmand Province, May 2, 2008. A few seconds later, when I took this photo, I could see only the bodies of two men, and one brass bullets shot from an M-4 into the sky.
One of armored U.S. ARMY fired missiles toward Taliban hideouts in the mountains, outside a base in the Pech River Valley in Kunar province, October 28, 2009.
U.S. Marines unit tried to take shelter from the sand hurricane in front of the operating base Dwyer in the Helmand province, May 7 2008. A massive sand hurricane like a giant  brown tsunami waves.

U.S. Marine Cpl. Brian Knight took a short break to rest with a heavy backpack filled with mortar equipment, ammunition, food and water in Nawa district in Helmand province, July 4, 2009.
Casey Liffrig a soldier (left) jumps for cover when Taliban fighters ambushed a U.S. soldier during a patrol in the Pech Valley in Kunar province, November 3, 2009.

Josh Habib (far left) 53 years, working as a translator for the U.S. Marines, July 2, 2009.

Soldiers from the U.S. Army's First Battalion, 26th Infantry took position against the Taliban ambush during operations in the Korengal Valley of Kunar Province, May 13, 2009.

Although the above photos is amazing but for me the war will always leave sadness and misery for mankind who have experienced it.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Yamaha issued a new product

    Yamaha Bison

Yamaha had finally given the assurance of the matter his 2 new motors of Byson and Lexam. Yamaha will launch Byson first afterwards was followed by Lexam. This matter was sent by the Chairman and President Komisaris PT Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia (YMKI) Yoshiteru Takahashi in Yamaha Management press conference gaps, in the Hotel Indonesian Kempinski, MH Thamrin, Street Jakarta. "This year both of them went out," he revealed. And that was more again startling, Takahashi evidently wanted leaked in more detail concerning the birth of the new two products . The new Yamaha sport motor, Byson, according to Takahashi immediately will be issued by them between May or this June 2010. "Now Lexam between October or in November 2010," he said. Byson was the newest Yamaha sport motor that rumours of his arrival have circulated the area since last year.

   Yamaha Lexam

This motor will use the basis that be the same as that was used by his relatives of V-ixion but by carrying the machine 153 cc and still used the carburetor  in his spraying system. While Lexam was the first automatic transmission Yamaha that the first time went out in Vietnam. This motor will use transmission technology of Y-Cat that will make him more responsive and efficient in consumption of the fuel. In the market of the homeland motor, Byson will compete tight with the rival Yamaha, Honda, that will dismiss the new shape from Pro clouds. Whereas Lexam will dispute with Honda Wave 110 of A/T that just went out in Thailand. The possibility will use the Revo basis in the Indonesian market.

Yamaha Mio 125 cc scooter began to reveal itself. Motor scooter camera caught the middle of her physical condition checked by a technician from one Yamaha motorcycle dealer in Jakarta.Mio 125 cc difference is very evident on the body. Yamaha Mio 125 cc look more attractive. Not only that stoplamp Yamaha Mio 125 cc were also seen to adopt a new form. Where is the stern view of Yamaha Mio 125 cc look sharp and sporty.The front of the Yamaha Mio 125 cc apply the rounded shapes. Changes also occurred in the scooter's shell, where shell Yamaha Mio 125 cc using the lights at dusk to the left and right. Yamaha's latest scooter is equipped with water cooling.For the legs, this new scooter use casting wheel (CW) in both the wheels with the exact same size as a previous version.While not seen the new striping model attached to the body.Rumor out of Yamaha Mio 125 cc in Indonesia have been circulating since mid-2009. Yamaha officials said that Yamaha will bring as many as 100 units bring new scooter to Indonesia to try out. Usually Yamaha test and 50,000 km for each new motor.PT Yamaha Motor Kencana have said that Indonesia will launch this bike in this year also. This bike was launched earlier in Thailand in early February 2010 ago.From the monitoring of new scooter that police numbers have the prefix F. This means that for a new scooter was tested in the area of Bogor, West Java.

Friday, April 9, 2010

abmelas rebyc

Abmelas Rebyc is the opposite word from Cyber Salemba . It's one of my class at my Campus at Salemba .

A cyberpreneur is a person who runs or starts a business in cyberspace and the Internet