Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Story of a Blind Beggar Child [motivating story]

A blind boy sat cross-legged on a staircase at the entrance of a supermarket. Yup, he is a beggar who expect mercy from the visitors passing by in front of him. A tin cans standing upright in front of him with only a few pieces of coins in it, while both hands holding a sign that reads "I am blind, have mercy on me." There was a man who was passing by in front of the little boy. He reached into his pocket, pulled out several pieces of coins, and stuffed into cans of the child. For a moment, he looked and noticed article posted on the board.

Then the man asked for a board that brought the boy, turned it over, and wrote some words on it. Smiling, he then restore the board, then go left. After he left, coins visitors supermarkets began to flow more rapidly into the tin of the child. Less than an hour,  the boy's can was almost full. An extraordinary good fortune for the child.

Some time later the man returned to the child and say hello. The boy thanked him and asked him what he wrote on his board. The man replied, "I wrote, 'This day is very beautiful, but I can not see it.' I just wanted to say how lucky people can still see. I do not want them to give money just feel sorry for you. I want them to give on the basis of gratitude for having reminded to always be grateful. "

He continued on his words, n addition to supplement your income, I wanted to give an understanding that when "Life gives you 100 reasons to cry, show that there are 1000 reasons to smile."

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